Our Mission

To provide whatever you need, whenever you need it

Tired of being cooped up in some elses's building all day, we quit quit our day jobs and started something new. It was 2016 after all; why were computer-based employees still crammed into pre-selected cubicles, as if the internet couldn't permiate walls.


Fortunately for us, the companies we came from still needed help--and it is easy to complete any computer-based task from anywhere in the world. The benefits of remote work became obvious.


For the companies that still needed help, their cost savings were tremendous. The same work got done, but over fewer payable hours, less overhead, fewer payroll taxes, and fewer employees to manage.


We loved waking up wherever we wanted and became highly motivated to serve business, like yours, in order to do just that. The work started flowing and Prolific Specific was born.


Yup, the name is an oxymoron, but it describes what we do perfectly. Specifically, a lot. 


Whatever you need, whenever you need it, we can do it and save you money. Which most businesses like to do.